
作者: pdnbplus | 发布时间: 2024/06/20 | 阅读量: 470


互换( 掉期 )

  • 两个公司之间达成的在未来交换现金流的合约 A contract between two companies to exchange cash flows in the future
  • 是根据某些特定规则在特定未来时间交换现金流量的协议 Swap is an agreement to exchange cash flows at a specified future time according to some specified rules
  • 远期合约可以被看做一种标准互换 A forward contract can be viewed as a standard swap
  • 远期合约:未来某一时间点现金流的互换 Forward contract: the exchange of cash flow at a certain point in the future
  • 互换合约:未来多个时间点现金流的互换 Swap contract: the swap of cash flows at multiple points in the future

交易于 2022 年 3 月 8 日达成,Microsoft 同意以 1 亿美元的名义本金获得 LIBOR 的浮动利率,并在 3 年内支付 5% 的固定利率 The deal was concluded on March 8, 2022, with Microsoft agreeing to receive LIBOR's floating rate on a notional principal of $100 million and pay a fixed rate of 5% over 3 years


利率互换的典型用途 Usage of Swaps

  • 将负债从 Convert the liability
    • 固定利率到浮动利率 From fixed rate to floating rate
    • 浮动利率到固定利率 From floating rate to fixed rate
  • 将投资从 Convert the investment
    • 固定利率到浮动利率 From fixed rate to floating rate
    • 浮动利率到固定利率 From floating rate to fixed rate




  • 支付给外部放款人的利率为LIBOR+0.1\%;
  • 在互换合约中收入LIBOR;
  • 在互换合约中付出3\%的利率;




  • 支付给外部放款人的利率为3.2\%;
  • 在互换合约中收入2.97\%的利率;
  • 在互换合约中付出LIBOR;




  • 债券收入为2.7\%;
  • 在互换合约中收入LIBOR;
  • 在互换合约中付出3\%的利率;




  • 债券收入为LIBOR-0.2\%;
  • 在互换合约中付出LIBOR;
  • 在互换合约中收入2.97\%的利率;

互换报价 Swap Quotes




  • 为固定和浮动付款指定了天数约定 Days convention specified for fixed and floating payments
  • LIBOR/SOFR 的天数计算惯例是“实际天数/360” The day calculation convention for LIBOR/SOFR is "actual days/360"
  • 固定利率的天数计算惯例是“实际天数/365” 或 “30/360” The convention for calculating the number of days at a fixed rate is "actual days/365" or "30/360"

确认书 Confirmations

  • 由互换双方代表签署的法律文件 Legal documents signed by representatives of both parties to the exchange
  • 确认指定交易条款 Confirm the specified transaction terms
  • 国际掉期和衍生品协会制定了主协议 The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) developed the Master Agreement
  • CCP用于两个金融机构之间的标准掉期 CCPs are used for standard swaps between two financial institutions


相对优势 Comparative Advantages

  • 相对优势指公司在一种债务市场比在其他债务市场里具有相对优势 Relative advantage refers to a firm's relative advantage in one debt market over another
  • AAA Corp (信用评级为 AAA) 想借入浮动利率贷款 AAA Corp (with a credit rating of AAA) wants to borrow a floating rate loan
  • BBB Corp (信用评级为 BBB) 想借入固定利率贷款 BBB Corp (with a credit rating of BBB) wants to take out a fixed rate loan


AAA Corp 与 BBB Corp 进行互换交易:

  • AAA Corp
    • 支付外部放贷人4% ,Pay external lenders 4%
    • Swap中收入4.35%, nflow 4.35%;Swap中支付LIBOR, Outflow LIBOR
    • 4% => LIBOR - 0.35% (< LIBOR - 0.1%)
  • BBB Corp
    • 支付外部放贷人LIBOR + 0.6%, Pay external lenders LIBOR + 0.6%
    • Swap中收入LIBOR, Inflow LIBOR;Swap中支付4.35%, Outflow 4.35%
    • LIBOR + 0.6% => 4.95% (< 5.2%)
  • 互换总收益:固定利率市场的利率差 (1.2%) - 浮动利率市场的利率差 (0.7%) Total return: Interest rate difference in fixed rate market (1.2%) - Interest rate difference in floating rate market (0.7%)


涉及金融机构的互换 Swap Involving Financial Institutions


相对优势观点的批评 Criticism of Comparative Advantages

  • 在固定利率市场上,4.0% 和 5.2% 利率为 5 年期利率 In the fixed rate market, 4.0% and 5.2% are the 5-year rates
  • 在浮动利率市场上,利率为 3/6 个月利率 In the floating rate market, the rate is 3/6 months
  • BBB Corp 的固定利率由未来借入的浮动利率上升决定(只有在 BBBCorp 能够持续地以LIBOR +0.6%借人浮动利率资金的前提下,固定利率才为4.97%。) BBB Corp's fixed rate is determined by rising floating rates on future borrowings
  • AAA Corp 承受 FI 的违约风险 AAA Corp is exposed to the default risk of FI

利率互换定价 Pricing Interest Rate Swap

  • 最初利率互换的价值为 0 Initially the value of the interest rate swap is 0
  • 之后,它们可以作为远期利率协议的投资组合进行定价 They can then be priced as a portfolio of Forward Rate Agreements (FRA)
  • 每次支付互换都是一个 FRA Each payment swap is a FRA


  • 对每笔确定现金流的 LIBOR 计算远期利率 Calculate the forward rate for each LIBOR that determines the cash flow
  • 假设 LIBOR=远期利率,计算互换现金流 Assuming LIBOR = forward rate, calculate swap cash flow
  • 以无风险利率贴现现金流 Discount cash flows at the risk-free rate

名义本金: 1 亿美元,每半年按照 3% 年利率支付,同时收取 LIBOR ,Swap 还剩 1.25 年期限 (支付日期为距今 0.25、0.75 和 1.25 年),0.25年/0.75年/1.25年的无风险利率分别为 2.8%/3.2%/3.4% (连续复利)0.25 年的利率 (半年复利) 为 2.9%, 0.25-0.75年、0.75-1.25年的远期利率为3.4%、3.7%(连续复利); $$ \text{先将连续复利转换为半年复利} \ (1+\frac{y}{2})^2 = e^{0.034}, 得y=3.429\% \ (1+\frac{y}{2})^2 = e^{0.037}, 得y=3.734\% \ \text{分别计算固定和浮动现金流,以无风险利率贴现} \ $$


  • 该互换价值为 \$0.5117 million The swap is worth \$0.5117 million


  • 我们通常可以直接有FRA报价而得到短期LIBOR远期利率;
  • 而通过互换率的报价来计算较长期的LIBOR远期利率。

假定已经确定了6个月期、12个月期、18 个月期和24个月期的OIS零息利率(连续复利)分别为3.8%、4.3%、4.6%和4.75%。进一步假设6个月期的LIBOR为4%(按半年复利)。6~12个月的 LIBOR 远期利率为5%(按半年复利),12~18 个月的LIBOR 远期利率为5.5%(按半年复利)。现在展示如何计算18~24 个月的LIBOR 远期利率。

假设2年期互换利率为5%,因此收取LIBOR、支付5%的2年期互换价值为0。我们已经知道在对互换定价时可以假设远期利率将被实现。假设本金为100,第1次支付的价值为 $$ 0.5 * (4\%-5\%)100e^{-0.0380.5} = -0.4906 $$ 第2次支付的价值为 $$ 0.5 (5\%-5\%)100e^{-0.043} = 0 $$ 第3次支付的价值为 $$ 0.5 * (5.5\%-5\%)100e^{-0.0461.5} = 0.2333 $$ 前3次支付的总值为$-0.4906+0+0.2333=-0.2573$。假设最后一次支付的远期利率为F(假设未知),为了使互换的价值为0,我们必须有 $$ 0.5-(F-0.05)100e^{-0.04752} = 0.2573 $$ 这样可以得出F=0.05566,即5.566%。

互换价值随时间的变化 Changes in Swap Value over Time


  • 远期利率>3%,FRA 价值>0 Forward rate > 3%, FRA value > 0
  • 远期利率=3%,FRA 价值=0 Forward Rate = 3%, FRA Value = 0
  • 远期利率<3%,FRA 价值<0 Forward rate < 3%, FRA value < 0



  • 固定利息与固定利息货币互换
    • BP 与 Barclays 达成的五年协议 Five-year agreement between BP & Barclays
    • 以 15,000,000 美元的美元本金支付 3% 的利息 3% interest on principal $15,000,000
    • 以 10,000,000 英镑的英镑本金收取 4% 的利息 4% interest on principal £10,000,000



货币互换的典型用途 Usages of Currency Swaps

  • 从一种货币的负债转换为另一种货币的负债 Conversion from liabilities in one currency to liabilities in another currency
  • 从一种货币的投资转换为另一种货币的投资 Conversion from investments in one currency to investments in another currency

相对优势 Comparative Advantages

  • GE 想借澳元/wants to borrow AUD
  • Quantas 想借美元/wants to borrow USD

调整税收差异影响后的借款成本是 The cost of borrowing after adjusting for the effect of tax differences is

GE 5.0\% 7.6\%
Quantas 7.0\% 8.0\%

互换双方的总收益为两个市场的差价:$2\% - 0.4\%=1.6\%$

货币互换定价 Pricing Currency Swaps

  • 日元利率为每年 1.5%(连续复利) JPY interest rate at 1.5% per annum (continuously compounded)
  • 美元利率为每年 2.5%(连续复利) 2.5% per annum in USD (continuously compounded)
  • 每年对 12 亿日元以 3% 收取利息一次 3% interest charged once a year on 1.2 billion JPY
  • 每年对 1000 万美元以 4% 支付利息一次 4% interest paid annually on $10 million
  • 互换期限还有 3 年 3 years left on swap
  • 当前汇率为 110 日元兑 1 美元 The current exchange rate is 110 JPY to 1 US dollar


以第一年为例 $$ 金融机构支付: 0.0410 = 0.4 (百万美元) \ 金融机构收入: 0.031200 = 36 (百万日元) \ 远期汇率为:F = \frac{e^{1.5\%}}{e^{2.5\%}} * 110 = 108.905 \ 金融机构收入: 36/108.905 = 0.3306 (百万美元) \ 金融机构净现金流: 0.3306 - 0.4 = -0.0694 (百万美元) \ 以美元利率贴现: -0.0694 *e^{2.5\%} = -0.0677 (百万美元) \ $$


  • 货币互换可以分解成两个债券的差异 A currency swap can be broken down into the difference of the two bonds
  • 收入本币支付外币的互换价值 Swap value of receiving domestic currency and paying foreign currency $$ V_{swap} = B_D - S_0B_F $$
  • 收入外币支付本币的互换价值 Swap value of receiving foreign currency and paying domestic currency $$ V_{swap} = S_0 B_F - B_D $$
  • $B_F$:外汇现金流对应的债券价值 (外币计价) Bond value corresponding to foreign exchange cash flow (in foreign currency)
  • $𝐵_𝐷$:本币现金流对应的债券价值 (本币计价) Bond value corresponding to cash flow (in local currency)
  • $𝑆_0$:即期汇率 Spot rate

信用风险 Credit Risk

  • 通过中央交易对手互换结算,信用风险很小 Settlement through central counterparty swaps with minimal credit risk
  • 当与对手方的衍生品交易以双边方式清算时,通过净值结算 By netting when a derivatives transaction with a counterparty is cleared bilaterally
  • 如果未完成交易的净值大于已发布的抵押品,则存在信用违约风险 If the net value of outstanding transactions is greater than the posted collateral, there is a risk of credit default

信用违约互换 Credit Default Swaps

  • 名义本金(例如 1 亿美元)和到期日(例如 5年) Notional principal (e.g. $100 million) and maturity date (e.g. 5 years)
  • 保护买方支付名义本金(CDS 价差)的固定利率(例如 150 个基点) Fixed interest rate (e.g. 150 basis points) that protects the buyer from paying the notional principal (CDS spread)
  • 如果参考实体(国家或公司)违约,保护卖方以面值购买参考实体发行的债券,差价支付停止 If the reference entity (country or company) defaults, the protection seller buys the bonds issued by the reference entity at face value, and the difference payment stops
  • 所购债券的总面值等于名义本金 The total face value of the bonds purchased is equal to the notional principal

其他类型的互换 Other Types of Swaps

  • 标准利率互换的变形 Variations of Standard Interest Rate Swaps
  • 跨货币互换 (Quanto) Cross Currency Swaps (Quanto)
  • 股权互换 Equity Swaps
  • 可扩展/可赎回互换 (期权) Extendable/Callable Swaps (Options)
  • 商品互换 Commodity Swaps
  • 波动率互换 face value of the bonds purchased is equal to the notional principal

其他类型的互换 Other Types of Swaps

  • 标准利率互换的变形 Variations of Standard Interest Rate Swaps
  • 跨货币互换 (Quanto) Cross Currency Swaps (Quanto)
  • 股权互换 Equity Swaps
  • 可扩展/可赎回互换 (期权) Extendable/Callable Swaps (Options)
  • 商品互换 Commodity Swaps
  • 波动率互换 Volatility Swaps